The Church within Mursley has been active for hundreds of years. The current Christian community meets together on a regular basis and provides a number of opportunities to explore the Christian message and values, and to support each other and the wider community in living this out.

The Church activities provide an opportunity for people in the village to explore their deeper spiritual needs. Activities include services each Sunday at St Mary the Virgin Church, prayer groups, adult discussion groups including Men’s dinners, Ladies lunches, weekly coffee mornings, weekly Post Office, monthly soup and treat lunch, Harvest lunch, Advent and Easter walks and other social gatherings such as Lent Question Time normally held in Green Man pub which provide opportunities to meet and chat informally or in more depth. At present The Green Man pub is closed so the PCC is running The Church Arms twice a month to enable the community to meet up. There is an active team of bellringers who practice on a Monday evening and ring for services, new recruits welcome. The Church often touches families at occasions of birth, marriage, bereavement and other times when they need a listening ear or helping hand. The Church also supports the Christian teaching in the village school and hosts school services.

In 2020 a toilet and kitchenette was installed in Mursley Church and the pews in the west section of the nave removed to create more flexibility in the use of the building for worship and other community activities. In 2021 audio visual facilities were installed with fixed screen and projector further extend the facilities for wider church and community use.
The church has an good working relationship with other community groups organising joint events with Mursley Village Hall and Sports Association. The village choir use the church for their weekly rehearsal and concerts.
Details of current church and other village activities can be found on this website and are given in the Open Gates magazine which is produced by the Church, 10 issues a year, and is delivered to every household.
The Christian heritage of the village is reflected in the 14th century St Mary the Virgin Church and the Baptist Chapel, now a private dwelling. The Church contains a monument to the Fortescues, Chancellor to Queen Elizabeth I. A modern addition to the building is a fine stained glass window in the chancel to celebrate the 2000 year Millennium.
Postcode for directions using SatNav:
MK17 0RT
Church Wardens:
Andrew Cowell
Phone: 720425
Contact Andrew here.
Bey Christian
Phone: 720630
Contact Bey here.
Please contact the Church office or one of the Church Wardens to make arrangements for any special events, eg weddings, baptisms or funerals, or any other pastoral matters.
History of the Church:
For more information about the Church, its history and its monuments, here are some pdf documents prepared by our village historian, Melinda Cole:-
St Mary the Virgin Church information and pictures
St. Mary the Virgin Church Booklet
St Mary the Virgin Church Monuments
St Mary the Virgin’s past Rectors